Students will focus on floor skills in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Classes will meet on a monthly basis and students are able to enroll and attend on a class-by-class basis. Tumbling does not participate in any performances or recitals.
Tumbling Levels
LEVEL 1: Forward rolls, backwards rolls, straddle rolls, bridges, building strength and flexibility, and beginning cartwheels​
LEVEL 2: Can do everything in Level 1 and will continue with standing back bends, back walkovers, front walk overs, beginning handstands, continuing to build strength and flexibility and front limbers.​
LEVEL 3: Can do everything in Level 1 & 2 and will continue with front handsprings, one handed cartwheels, headstands, beginning aerial techniques, continuing to build strength and flexibility and back limbers.​
LEVEL 4: Can do everything in Level 1, 2, & 3 and will continue with back handsprings, forearm cartwheels, aerials, back tucks, and continuing to build strength and flexibility.
Availability: York Studio
Please see Tumbling Schedule under Dancer Resources for schedule and other information.